As per the BSE Sensex Birth Chart and the planetary cycle which is going one for 2012-2013 period we can summarise the positions as follows.
- Primary planet which is driving in this period is North Node ( Rahu ) which is the Birth house co-lord sitting in Enemies House ( Mars’s House ) not comfortable Mixed output
- Sub-Primary from 19-06-2011 to 14.11.2013 , Jupiter is driving ( Benefic ) . Its the 2nd and 11th house Lord sitting in 12th House. During the Cycle beginning , Mid and end there will be trouble for market else it will be good.
- Micro-Primary planet which is driving from 29.02-2012 to 03-07-2012 is Mercury which is the 5th and 7th house lord sitting in 11th house the house of gains. There will be gains with high volume during this period.
- Micro-Primary planet which is driving from 03-07-2012 is South Node (Kethu ) 10th House Lord sitting in 9th House (Friends House ) with Enemy there will be Government support on policy action. Market will be very volatile.
- Micro-Primary during 25-08-2012 to 16-01-2013 is Venus which will be mixed. Initial part will be good , Towards 2012 end and 2013 beginning it will be negative.
- Micro-Primary during Sun Cycle i.e. 16-01-2013 to 28-02-2013 will be good.
- Micro-Primary during Moon Cycle i.e. 28-02-2013 to 12-05-2013 will be bad.
- Micro-Primary during Mars Cycle i.e. 12-05-2013 to 04-07-2013 will be flat.
- Micro-Primary during North Node cycle i.e. 04-07-2013 to 14-11-2013 there will be a decline.
On Back of Mercury & Jupiter cycle and overall planetary position on transit chart balance part of 2012 is is going to be good period and should touch 5800+ . Towards 2012 end and 2013 beginning market will struggle. 2013 is going to be bad year compared t 2012…
Metal , Infra , Real Estate , Telecom , Banking will do well.
FMCG , Pharma will struggle…
Its really informative .
Just wanted to know in clear astrology whether 2013 will be a year for investments? and if yes in which month ? and which sector as predicting and saying after everything happens is easy?
Whether 2008 fall really would be predictable as after happening many people say it happen bec Sun & Saturn aspects was there ………. bla …..bla…………..
We just need to know whether as per your forecast 2013 will be bad .
Agreed ……..ok then from which month it will start rising?
Dear Mr. Suresh,
Yes you can do accurate prediction of high and low dates for markets using Gann Squaring Of High , Low & Range method. The topic is explained in our website
Astrology is a science and we can predict the outcome to 100% accuracy .
Dear Mr. Suresh,
Please note that June 2012 when market was struggling we had predicted that market will cross 5800+ by Dec 2012 . This has been done through W D Gann Astronomy Technique only.
Astrology is a Science and as any other science , more you learn and practice the you will get more accuracy.
Yes we can pick correct trend much in advance using good technical methods. We do trading for doing R&D of the methods which we teach.
Can you explain in brief primary planetary drive and sub planetary drive.As we do not know astrology, we do not understand that langugem
Primary Cycle is = Maha Dasa and Sub Primary is Antaradas this is part of Vimshotari Dasa.
As per our time of birth ( where moon is placed at the time of birth ) the Dasa will start and will continue for our life. Each planets are given each slot these are Dasa. The outcome in our life will greatly depend on these Dasas .
Hello, if i send you my kundli n my husband’s kundali can you help me? Do you see kundli like that?